
How did cotton become global explain and analyze



Answer the following questions.


Section I: Identification


Compose short but full and complete paragraph answers (6-8 sentences in length) that describe the historical significance of four (4) of the fifteen terms below.  Historical significance is more than a simple definition.  Your terms should clearly show detailed evidence for how they are important in both the context of the historical period in question and broader course themes.



Choose 4 from the 15 terms below:



Tennis Court Oath                        The Berlin Conference           Giuseppe Mazzini
mercantilism                                 Realpolitik/Weltpolitik            Manifest Destiny
Tanzimat reforms                         Zionism                               War Capitalism
Religious Toleration/Tolerance        Olympe de Gouges               Creole
Simón Bolívar                              Social Contract                    The Enlightenment                 


Section II: Short Essay


Compose a short, two to three paragraph essay (8-10 sentences in length each) in answer to one (1) of the following questions:



Choice A - Define nationalism in nineteenth-century Europe.  Give and critically analyze two country-specific examples in your answer.



Choice B - Compare "old" and "new" imperialism in the context of the early modern and modern West.



Choice C - Explain the transition from a mercantilist to a capitalist economy in the late-early-modern West and use Sven Beckert's book to support your answer.



Choice D - How did absolutist rulers in 18th century Europe respond to the Enlightenment?



Choice E - What impact did European colonization (from the 1500s-1800s) have on non-western populations around the world?




Section III: Long Essay


Compose a long, four to five paragraph essay (8-10 sentences in length each) in answer to one of the following questions (support your answers with my lectures, the textbook, and all appropriate supplementary readings):



Choice A - How did cotton become global?  Use Sven Beckert's Empire of Cotton as a springboard for connecting his thesis to course material on nationalism, industrialization, and empire in the 18th and 19th centuries.



Choice B - Explain and analyze globalization in the late-nineteenth century with that of globalization in the 1100s-1300s.



Choice C - How did the French Revolution lay the foundations for the modern nation-state?



Choice D - What role did nationalism play in the development of modern states during the nineteenth century?


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History: How did cotton become global explain and analyze
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