How developers of multiple intelligences test demonstrate

Assignment: Multiple Intelligences-Psychology

Topic: Multiple Intelligences

Use the results of the attached test or take the test yourself that is attached, you can address the following questions with your own personal results in mind.

1. Do you think "multiple intelligences" is a valid construct? In other words, do multiple intelligences exist? (Be sure to include connections to the textbook/research when building your argument.)

2. Do you think that the test you took gave a valid picture of your intellectual abilities? In other words, do you think that test accurately measured what it is supposed to measure?

3. Provide at least one recommendation about how the developers of this multiple intelligences test could demonstrate evidence for the validity of the test. Your recommendation should focus on one of the types of validity described in the textbook the chapter that covers these items is attached [i.e., content-related validity, predictive validity, concurrent validity, or construct validity (using convergent or discriminant evidence)].

4. Finally, make a Biblical argument either for or against the existence of multiple intelligences. Whichever stance you take, be sure to back it up with meaningful and relevant scripture references.

In your replies, evaluate (e.g., identify strengths and limitations) your classmates' arguments using unique scholarly and scriptural citations. Make sure that your replies extend discussion by building on what your classmates wrote. Please go beyond simply agreeing/disagreeing with your classmates or reiterating the main points that you made in your own thread.

Adhere to the following standards:

· post should be a minimum of 350 words.

· In all of your posts, you should support your assertions with at least one scholarly citation AND one scriptural citation MUST BE A VERSE FROM THE BIBLE NOT JUST A RELIGIOUS REFERENCE IN GENERAL (made in current APA format). Acceptable sources include: the Bible, the textbook, and other peer-reviewed articles and/or books.

· Appropriate citations of and references for all source materials should be made in current APA format.

· First person ("I" and "we") is allowed in all posts.

Textbook Reference you must use:

Cohen, R. J. & Swerdlik, M. E. (2017). Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurement (9th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781259870507.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also Include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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