
How culture and ecological factors affect service users

Assignment Task: Crises and Special Populations

In this week's Discussion, you examined how culture and ecological factors affect service users and your interactions with them. For this Assignment, you will explore a specific crisis in a specific context and consider the special considerations HSPPs must take into account when working with service users affected by that specific crisis. You will also consider how working in that specific crisis can affect you as an HSPP.

To Prepare

1. Review the Learning Resources and Course Announcements.

2. Find at least two research articles in the Walden Library that address a specific type of crisis from the list below:

o Lethality

o Sexual Assault

o Partner violence

o Family crisis

o Bereavement and grief

o A crisis in a school setting

o Military

3. For the purposes of this Assignment, do not choose a crisis that has affected you personally.

Submit a 4-5-page paper that addresses the following:

1. Describe the specific type of crisis you chose from the list below:

o Lethality

o Sexual Assault

o Partner violence

o Family crisis

o Bereavement and grief

o A crisis in a school setting

o Military

2. Categorize the crisis you choose from among the following: developmental, ecosystemic, existential, and situational. For example, if you choose bereavement and grief, you must describe a type of crisis related to bereavement and grief. Then you must categorize the crisis as developmental, ecosystemic, existential, or situational. Support your reasoning with the Learning Resources and resources you found in the Walden Library.

3. Describe 3 special considerations when working with this specific type of crisis. Need Online Tutoring?

4. Of the possible HSPP responses (countertransference, secondary traumatic stress disorder, burnout, or vicarious traumatization), indicate which might be a concern for you if you were the responder to the crisis you chose. Explain how you would try to proactively prevent/manage this concern.

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Other Subject: How culture and ecological factors affect service users
Reference No:- TGS03445700

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