How counsellors might respond to the clients statements

Assignment task:

During the first session, it is common for clients who may have experienced more collectivist influences to raise concerns about how attending counselling may affect their family, and for clients from more individualistic backgrounds to raise concerns about how attending counselling will affect them personally.

Assume that a 25-year-old client, a second-generation Canadian of South Asian descent with first-generation parents, also both of South Asian descent, begins their first counselling session by saying, "I probably shouldn't be here. My parents would be upset if they knew I was talking to a therapist." Next, assume that a 35-year-old from a more individualist family begins their first counselling session by saying, "If I tell you my problems, you'll probably think I'm crazy." [Please note that this is the client's language]

Discuss with your classmates how counsellors might respond to the client's statements. Present two facilitative counsellor responses working to convey empathy. What considerations of collectivist and individualist influences might you take into account with this client?

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Reference No:- TGS03363431

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