For this task you will be an employee of Sunnyside Youth Support Services(SYSS) Australia. This is an organisation that provides a range of services for young people 12-25 in the local area. Your role involves talking with young people who have been referred and linking them with services
Harry has been in out-of-home care since he was 2yo. After living in several temporary placements he came to live with his current family at the age of 4. He lives with his foster mum Sally and foster dad Tim. Sally and Tim have 3 other biological children who are all older than Harry. They are all finished school. Harry has grown up in this family and has also had regular contact with his birth mother, usually 6 times per year. She has had 3 other children younger than Harry who are also in out-of-home care. When he was younger he had some contact with his birth father, but he had not heard from him for several years, but has had a couple of phone calls in the last 6 months. Harry had been doing well in school during younger years but over the last year has struggled at school. He feels that many of the other kids are picking on him and often reacts with angry outbursts. This has led to a number of suspensions during the last year. At home he mostly plays with his electronic devices and listens to music. He was told he could bring his pet dog along to the classes but SYSS has a no pets rules.
Soraya (15yo) arrived in Australia with her family when she was 7yo. Her brother Hakim died on the journey to Australia and her younger brother Jamal was born in the immigration centre where they lived for more that a year. Soraya's mother died when she was 12. She lives with her father and her brother Jamal. Her father has a chronic illness and Soraya cares for him. Soraya is quiet and diligent student. She works very hard at her studies. School is a break from her caring responsibilities. She does not have very many friends and feels awkward and shy in new environments. She can become anxious if there is too much loud noise and lots of people around and especially finds sudden loud sounds difficult.
A. After reading the 2 kids stories. List for each of them Potential Issues ( Risks, Triggers and Needs).
B. Staff at SYSS are encouraged to regularly reflect on their practice and to implement self- care strategies. Use the following questions to consider your participation in the Youth Theatre program. What are some ways you ensure safety in the workplace and in your relationships?
C. What might you need to consider concerning mandatory reporting requirements? Are there any other legal obligations you have in your role?
D. How could you support or encourage the young people to give feedback about their experience of the service?