
How could you make that step more suitable to you what does


Part 1

After reviewing the articles and videos about Covey's 7 Habits answer the questions below in a single post:

Questions: Answer all questions in a single post

1. Which habits do you generally practice now and is the most helpful to you in your daily life?
2. Which habits would you like to start employing? Why?
3. What would your 8th habit for Highly Effective people be? Why?

Part 2

In "Harrison Bergeron," Vonnegut depicts a seemingly very different society from the one in which we live today. There are, however, parallels that can be drawn between 2081 and today. Choose one organization method of either "whole to whole" or "point to point" to organize your response.

• What are two similarities that you can draw between 2081 and life today?
• What are two differences that you can draw between 2081 and life today?
• Use the text to support your ideas and include an in-text citation and reference anytime you use information from your source.
• Lastly, why did you choose the organizational pattern that you did for this particular discussion?

Part 3

Pages 206 to 221 of your eBook outline numerous steps to help you plan, prepare, and eventually write a Research essay (narrowing a research subject, evaluating research sources, creating an outline, etc.).

• Which one of these steps do you find to be the most helpful when preparing for your Research essay?
• What is your personal process for that step?
• Which step is not helpful for you?
• How could you make that step more suitable to you?

Part 4

In his essay "What's So Good About a College Education?", Andrew Mills compares college to a can opener in that it can only be used as a tool to get to something else.

• What does this say about higher education? Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
• Does this relate at all to your college experience? How so?

Part 5

In her essay "Beauty...and the Beast of Advertising", Jean Kilbourne states that "women are shown almost exclusively as housewives or sex objects."

• While we like to think this isn't the case, it is at the very least the norm?
• Can you think of an instance where this is not the case?
• What part of Kilbourne's essay do you find to ring the truest? How so?

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