Part A-
1. Cognitive behavioral practitioners use:
a. a brief, active, directive, collaborative, present-focused, and didactic approach
b. a psychoeducational model of therapy
c. a therapeutic model that relies on empirical validation of its concepts and techniques
d. All of these answers.
2. Which is true of the application of cognitive behavioral techniques in a group?
a. These techniques remain under continual evaluation.
b. They are experiential in nature.
c. They are designed to produce insight.
d. They are usually aimed at catharsis.
3. Which of the following is not considered a behavioral technique?
a. mindfulness
b. the empty-chair technique
c. cognitive restructuring
d. self-reinforcement
4. Which of the following is generally a part of the working phase of a cognitive-behavioral group?
a. reinforcement
b. behavioral rehearsal
c. cognitive restructuring
d. All of the above.
5. Generally, during the initial stage, each CBT group session opens with group members:
a. checking in by stating significant developments during the week
b. reporti ng on their homework
c. identifying topics or issues they would like to put on the agenda for the session
d. All of the above.
6. Which of the following is part of the problem-solving process in problem-solving therapy?
a. adopt a problem-solving orientation
b. define the problem
c. brainstorm alternative solutions
d. All of the above.
7. is a particularly promising blend of cognitive behavior and psychoanalytic techniques, which has been used to treat clients with borderline personality disorder.
a. Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MSCT)
b. Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
c. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
d. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
8. According to Ellis, people become emotionally disturbed because:
a. they continue to indoctrinate themselves with erroneous ideas
b. they create this disturbance by accepting certain beliefs
c. situations cause stress, leading to a breakdown of defenses
d. a and b only
9. Which of the following is not generally associated with the REBT group?
a. self-rating
b. information giving
c. homework assignments
d. analysis of rackets
10. In the REBT group, homework assignments are:
a. carried out in the group.
b. carried out in daily life.
c. seen as basic to the REBT method.
d. All of the above.
11. The role of the REST group leader can be best characterized as atn).
a. didactic and highly directive role
b. facilitator
c. l-Thou model of relating
d. blank screen that receives projections
12. REST groups often use which procedures?
a. rational-emotive imagery
b. didactic teaching methods
c. homework assignments
d. All of the above.
13. Feelings of anxiety, depression, rejection, anger, and guilt are initiated and perpetuated by:
a. unfortunate events that happen to us
b. a self-defeating belief system
c. a significant person in our life who rejects us
d. a fau Ity life scri pt
14. The main purpose of using emotive techniques in REBT is to:
a. dispute members' irrational beliefs
b. help group members release their blocked emotional pain
c. provide members with much needed support
d. assist members in becoming more reliant on their emotions as a basis for decision making
15. Which of the following is not a key concept of reality therapy?
a. Members must make commitments.
b. Members focus on unconscious motivation.
c. Members make evaluations of their behavior.
d. Members focus on the present not the past.
16. Regarding the role of self-evaluation in the reality therapy group, which is true?
a. The group leader judges the morality of the actions of members.
b. The leader teaches members moral behavior in an active way.
c. Members must decide for themselves the quality of their actions.
d. a and b only
17. Which of the following is an integral part of a reality group?
a. commitment
b. dream work
c. working on the life scripts of members
d. reenacting past events in the present
18. The main task of the reality therapy group leader is to:
a. confront irrational beliefs
b. become an existential partner with other searching members
c. focus on ways of helping members gain insight into their own current behavior
d. encourage members to make an evaluation of their present behavior
19. Contemporary reality therapy is grounded in the principles of:
a. behavior therapy
b. experiential therapy
c. object-relations therapy
d. the existential/phenomenological orientation
20. Which of the following is not a step in the process of the solution-focused group?
a. setting well-formed goals
b. engaging in shame-attacking exercises
c. searching for exceptions to the problem
d. encouraging motivation
21. Solution-focused counseling has parallels to , which concentrates on what is right and what is working for people rather than dwelling on deficits, weaknesses, and problems.
a. positive psychology
b. the medical model
c. self psychology
d. object relations therapy
22. In the model of change, people are assumed to progress through a series of five identifiable stages in the counseling process.
a. motivational interviewing (Mil
b. sequential
c. transtheoretical
d. transatlantic
23. In the stage, individuals intend to take action immediately and report some small behavioral changes.
a. precontemplation
b. contemplation
c. preparation
d. action
24. Reluctance to change is viewed as atn) part of the therapeutic process.
a. atypical
b. normal and expected
c. unpredictable
d. pathological
25. Motivational interviewing (M I) is designed to evoke and explore:
a. interviewing skills
b. intrapersonal barriers to connecting with others
c. ambivalence
d. unfinished business
Part B-
1. Write a critique of REBT, including special mention of aspects of the model that you most like and least like. With which kind of client populations and which kind of problems do you think REBT works best?
2. Discuss the basic assumptions underlying the reality therapy model. Include in this discussion some mention of the key concepts of the approach.
3. How could you incorporate Motivational Interviewing (M I) strategies into some of the approaches that have been discussed already? In which approaches would it seem inappropriate to draw from MI? Explain.