
How could you coach managers in an organization

Question: How can you apply the ideas in the article to your work and what specifically would you do and why? Alternatively, thinking as an HR leader, how could you coach managers in an organization to understand and use the concepts in this research?


Recent research (O'Flaherty, Sanders, & Whillans, 2021) found that symbolic rewards carry great power - sometimes more than extra money. They found that non-monetary motivators work best when managers carefully consider who should deliver the recognition, when it should be delivered, whether the recognition should be public or private, which details might matter most (handwritten notes versus email, for example), and how to start small.


O'Flaherty, S., Sanders, M. T., & Whillans, A. (2021, March 29). Research: A little recognition can provide a big morale boost. Retrieved from Harvard Business Review

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HR Management: How could you coach managers in an organization
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