
How could you argue against helping out schoolkids


In spring 2013, middle school students from Walsenburg, Colorado, decided to learn about democracy and help dogs and cats in shelters by researching and proposing a bill to declare shelter rescue dogs and cats the official state pet. Governor John Hickenlooper signed the bill into law in May 2013. At his side was the governor's own rescue dog Skye, that he got from a shelter. It seemed a political perfect storm- earnest schoolkids, abandoned, adorable cats and dogs needing a loving home, and lots of hearts and votes to be won. Must have been a slam dunk, right? Wrong.

The middle school kids found themselves up against powerful industry lobbyists including purebred dog associations, pet shops, breeders, and dog show organizers. While this is a state level rather than national example it is indicative of how the simplest piece of legislation can step on the toes of powerful interests.

How could you argue against helping out schoolkids and abandoned dogs and cats?

Here's a sample of the interest group objections:

- the bill would be unfair to reptiles and birds (no joke!)

- a state designation cannot harm the subject of the honor (in this case, dogs and cats). If shelter dogs and cats are honored fewer purebred dogs and cats will be sold. Overstock animals from pet stores are euthanized so more pure bred animals will die.

-some of the dogs and cats honored won't actually be from Colorado.

See the Denver Post article below that captures the flavor of the surprisingly contentious committee hearing.

But unlike what often happens in Washington, DC, on that May day in Colorado when the governor signed the bill designating shelter dogs and cats the official state pet, the school kids carried the day in spite of powerful interests.

Kids fight for abandoned dogs and cats to become Colorado state petsBy Colleen O'Connor

The Denver Post

It was like a dogfight at the Senate Education Committee on Thursday afternoon.

The battle to make dogs and cats adopted from shelter and rescue centers the official state pet pitted schoolkids against professional lobbyists representing purebred dog clubs, retailers, groomers and dog-show organizers.

The bill ultimately passed, 6-3, but there were moments when the students from Peakview School in Walsenburg thought their project, designed to help them learn about the legislative process, could go either way.

So many people arrived to testify that stragglers were left to find seats in the overflow room. Dog leashes stretched across the packed hallway, obstacles for the unwary, and piercing barks interrupted testimony. Griffin Kerr, the 3-year-old son of the bill's sponsor, Andy Kerr, D-Lakewood, cavorted around the room dressed as a spotted dog because his preschool had just celebrated Dalmatian Day.

And that was just the sideshow.

Testimony started with Roger Arellano, 14, who had arrived on a bus from Walsenburg with other middle-schoolers from Peakview who had been researching the bill.

"It's important to honor the voice of the voiceless," he said.

Speaking up on behalf of shelter and rescue dogs is "a matter of life and death" for millions of dogs and cats, he said. "And you can save a lot of money compared to getting them from a pet store."

This did not go over well with supporters of the pet industry.

"The language of the bill honors the transaction, saying the only qualified state pet is adopted from shelter and rescue," said Dan Anglin of Anglin Public Affairs.

Anglin represents the Colorado Federation of Dog Clubs, which holds dog shows, and the Colorado Pet Association, a group of animal retailers, groomers and breeders.

"The state already honors that with a license plate," said Anglin, who added that the economic impact of American Kennel Club purebred dog ownership in Colorado was an estimated $20.48 million each year.

There was another problem with the bill.

"It unfairly discriminates against birds, reptiles, arachnids and other mammals," he said. "And snakes, lizards and spiders."

Many opponents said the bill should focus on heroic dogs, such as service dogs, law enforcement dogs, cadaver dogs and military dogs.

Then, patriotism was invoked.

"We do our share too," said Karen Kotke-Partington, a member of the Norfolk Terrier Club. "When a puppy owner went to Iraq, we took care of the puppy," she said, adding that when the soldier returned, the dog meant everything to him.

Interloper Skyler Kuykendall, a fifth-grader at Rooney Ranch Elementary School in Lakewood, sought to amend the bill to include the golden retriever as the state dog.

With his golden retriever, Boz, at his side, he ticked off a list of reasons including "brown eyes like the Rocky Mountains" and "golden color that is like all of the gold that has been found in Colorado."

The Walsenburg students sat in the back, rapt at democracy in action.

"The argument swung between service dogs and shelter dogs," said Kaylee Summers, 14. "It was difficult to decide, because both sides made sense."

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