1. Is being a Chippendale's dancer honorable work?
o How could the perennial ethical duties to the self-develop our abilities and talents and do ourselves no harm-be mustered to support the idea that these men should be proud of what they do?
o Ethically, how does this job compare with working for the Metropolitan Opera in New York, an outfit that calls itself "a vibrant home for the world's most creative and talented artists working in opera"?
2. Is hiring and training a Chippendale's dancer honorable? Imagine you were one of the original choreographers cruising California beaches in search of beefcake and dance talent. You bring the guys in, choreograph their routine, and send them up on stage.
o Thinking just of the perennial duties to the self, is hiring and training them honorable? Under what conditions?
o Thinking just of the perennial duties to others-avoiding wrongful actions toward others, honesty, respect, beneficence (promoting the welfare of others), gratitude, fidelity (keeping promises, honor agreements), and reparation (compensating others when we harm them)-is hiring and training them honorable? Why or why not?
3. With respect to the ethics of duties, is Chippendales a respectable company in terms of how it treats its clients? How does this company compare with the Metropolitan Opera's treatment of its clients (note that the Met occasionally replaces the word clients with the more flattering patrons)?
4. Leaving aside the legal issues and using only the perennial duties, what ethical case could be made in favor of Banerjee getting a hit man to eliminate the people who were copying his show?
o Should he have hired someone or done the job himself? Explain.
o What's the difference between hiring a hit man and hiring a beefcake dancer?
o How would Kant respond to these questions?
5. The Club Adonis group worked for Chippendales before splitting to do the same thing elsewhere. Use Kant's categorical imperative to show that their action was wrong.
6. According to the perennial duties, did Banerjee do the right thing hanging himself in the end?
7. According to Kant, did Banerjee do the right thing hanging himself?
8. When Banerjee hung himself, he lost his life, but he did manage to preserves his life's property and wealth for his wife. Can a libertarian ethics be used to show that Banerjee did the right thing?