
How could the data be used by citizens to influence policy

1. Mixed methods approaches allow researchers to use the benefits of quantitative research with the benefits of qualitative research to find the broadest view of the issues involved in the research. Quantitative research is excellent in obtaining an overall view of the issues generally, and qualitative approaches can enhance this view by providing the detail of how individuals within these issues deal with them day to day.

So quantitative can provide the scope and background and qualitative can provide the details and depth of the issue. However, applying mixed methods requires a process and this discussion will support you in understanding the unique application of mixed methods in research. In your initial post, address the following:

Discuss your perception of mixed methods approach and compare it to the types of mixed methods designs presented. Look back on your initial response to Week One's discussion, "Selecting Research Approaches." Based on the research topic you chose for that discussion, which mixed methods design would best accommodate your needs, and why?

How useful do you find the advanced mixed methods designs mentioned in Chapter 10? Justify your answer.

Chapter 10 gives six factors considered important when choosing mixed methods design. Organize these six factors by order of importance based on your research. Share your ranking and discuss the disparities observed.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

2. While research can be interesting in regards to understanding social phenomena, it is also important that research results be used to positively impact positive outcomes in regards to the individuals involved, the societal problems considered, and the programs and policy related to these issues. This discussion presents a real world application of data and will help you understand the value of data on social policy outcomes.

Please watch Crime spotting: Joy of Stats (1/6) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.and in your initial post, address the following:

How does the City of San Francisco currently use its crime data?

How could the data be used by citizens to influence policy? Provide at least two community advocacy and societal change ideas. Explain them and how they would help citizens.

How could the data be used by the police service? Provide at least two forms of community outreach, policing policy, or program creation, and explain how they would help the police and the citizenry.

How could the data be used by social researchers? What does the data tell them about crime in San Francisco?

Are there wider applications for the data to support policy makers in San Francisco? Explain how.

How has this example changed your thoughts about the use of research and data to support policy? Can you provide another way research could be used to support policy creation or change?

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

This is what I wrote for week 1 discussion, that will go with the first question above.

In qualitative approach, an inductive model is majorly focused on generating a new theory from the data collected and analyzed whilst a deductive theory aim at testing a theory or a hypothesis(Creswell, 2013).

This means an inductive approach defines and generates new terms while a deductive approach does not, it highly depends on previous researches and literature review. On the other hand, one's world views, which have been defined as a set of beliefs that guide action (Creswell, 2013). The method one chooses is majorly based on what one believes in.

For instance, if one believes that individuals are more likely to be honest during interviews, then utilizing a qualitative approach will be used. Creswell defined the Post positivism worldview which will is in line with my own perspective of research. This view holds that outcomes and results have causes and hence a researcher aims at making a cause and effect relationship.

My initial assumption of research design has been contested. One used to hold a view that a research design adopted is determined by factors such as resources and time available. However, it is now apparent that a design is adopted based on the type of study one is undertaking.

(Kothari, 2009) For instance, when trying to determine a cause and effect relationship, it is most appropriate to adopt a quantitative approach which offers more data which is analyzed to determine patterns. In the Ashford Online setting, a quantitative approach may be used due to the geographicaldiversity of the target respondents.


Creswell, J. (2013). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches.Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Kothari, C. (2009). Research Methodology. New Delhi: New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers.

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