
How could he-she sell their case better


Critique the original author's value statement ("why it's worth your classmates' time to read it") -- is it a compelling argument? How could he/she sell their case better? Also critique their counterpoint. Was it insightful and well presented?

In a recent management news story written by John Coleman for the Harvard Business Review Coleman writes about how a company's mission and vision can always change based on the current environment and changing trends. The article uses the example of how recent consumer trends shifted towards healthier alternatives due to the COVID pandemic. Coleman described the need for a "new normal" as a fresh start for a company and a chance to refresh what they stand for. In order to accomplish such change the organization's leadership from the CEO down has a role in owning and upholding the company's new mission, vision, and values. This may be done by engaging the organization comprehensively, listening extensively and authentically, "launching" new statements and then communicating consistently, and recognizing those who live the company's purpose and values. Throughout the article, Coleman goes in-depth on how this may be accomplished and gives sound positive advice for those thinking of changing their purpose in how they work or their organization. In terms of one counterpoint, the author could have provided more examples of this being done or how exactly it may be implemented In our actual lives.


Coleman, J. (2022, March 28). It's time to take a fresh look at your company's values. Harvard Business Review.

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Project Management: How could he-she sell their case better
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