
How could align change goal with institutional priorities


Part 1: Strategic Direction

No matter how proud we are of our work and that of our institution, this course is designed upon the assumption that all educational institutions have room to improve.

However, with decisions to be made on competing priorities within complex educational organizations, where is a leader to begin?

Furthermore, if you are not in a position to be the chief institutional decision-maker, how do you position your goals and priorities to be favored by institutional leaders?

In our journal article readings, we saw two cases of specific change efforts, and the ways framing and situating a leader's or department's priorities within (or, perhaps not!) the larger strategic goals of the organization influences their adoption.

Thinking about your initial topical and institutional foci for our class, what does that institution's strategic plan cause you to consider as we embark on this work?

How could you align your change goal with institutional priorities?

Part 2: Concept Map Draft - Peer Feedback

Your assignment for is to develop your own concept map to organize your thoughts around your focus topic and identify how information about your topic is related.

Getting feedback from others can help to refine as well as support your own argument(s).

Share an initial draft of your concept map in your initial posting for this discussion.

It should include a well define central concept as well as at least 5 connections. Include a short paragraph describing your map and some preliminary logic for associating your concepts.

As you review your classmates' posts and concept maps, ask yourself these questions:

• Do I understand the argument my classmate is trying to make with this concept map?

• Are there resources that I could share on this topic?

• What is missing from this concept map?


1. Numbers Are Not Enough. Why e-Learning Analytics Failed to Inform an Institutional Strategic Plan

By Leah P. Macfadyen and Shane Dawson

2. Strategic Planning and Decision Making in Higher Education: What Gets Attention and What Doesn't

By Michael C. Choban, Gary M. Choban and David Choban

Attachment:- Concept Mapping for Proposal-Dissertation Writer.rar

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Business Law and Ethics: How could align change goal with institutional priorities
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