
How could akamai have prevented or mitigated the attacks

Prefer a good English writer. Do not need an introduction or conclusion. Needs references and intext citations.

Topic - Akamai-What Could Have Been Done?

A. How could Akamai have prevented or mitigated the attacks described in the case study using Clausewitz's principles of warfare? What technologies could Akamai leverage?

B. What other defenses would you deploy if you were the CISO at Akamai? Why?

Topic  - Protective Practice and Policy Changes

You are the CISO at a technology company similar to Akamai. Based on the case study information, what changes would you make to your organization from a technology as well as a policy and practice perspective?

-Akamai Security Solutions. (n.d.). AKAMAI Provides Insight Into Internet Denial of Service Attack.

Retrieved from:https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20040616005428/en/Akamai-Insight-Internet-Denial-Service-Attack or available from the UMUC library (needs log in and bar code for access).

-Clausewitz, C. (1873). On war (J. J. Graham, trans.). Retrieved from: https://www.clausewitz.com/readings/OnWar1873/TOC.htm

-Roberts, P. (2004, June 15). Update: Akamai blames 'global DNS attack' for disruptions. Computerworld.

Retrieved from:https://www.computerworld.com/s/article/93837/Update_Akamai_blames_global_DNS_attack_for_disruptions?taxonomyId=062

-Vijaya, J. (2004, June 16). Akamai now says it was targeted by DDoS attack. Computerworld.

Retrieved from:https://www.computerworld.com/s/article/93862/Akamai_now_says_it_was_targeted_by_DDoS_attack?taxonomyId=017

-Vijaya, J. (2004, June 16). Security experts ponder Akamai attack, defense. Computerworld.

Retrieved from:https://www.computerworld.com/s/article/93874/Security_experts_ponder_Akamai_attack_defense

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