Assignment Task: The composition of an Information Technology Department differs by hospital. If you were the CEO of a hospital, or hospital system, you would need to make decisions regarding the composition of this department. You can outsource IT functions or hire staff to perform them in-house. You might decide to make senior-level decisions yourself, or hire a Chief Information Officer. Note: Smaller organizations may not include all of the positions listed.
Choose three of the following IT Staff Positions:
- Help Desk/Support Staff
- Director of Information Technology
- Chief Information Officer
- Chief Medical Information Officer
- Information Security Officer
- Chief Technology Officer
- Systems Analyst
- Programmer
- Database Administrator
- Network Administrator
For each role you select, analyze the following:
1. If a hospital did not have this position, who would perform the function(s) of the job?
2. What are the pros and cons of outsourcing this position?