
How communication can solve a mistake

Assignment Problem:

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The nurse should listen and take Mr. B concerns into consideration. Mr. B has the right to refuse any medication at anytime however, the nurse should make sure that Mr. B has all the right information before he makes this choice. The nurse should insure that Mr. B has full understanding on the choice he is about to make. Mr. B should be educated on why it was recommended to him to start the blood pressure medication and why the ER recommended to have him hold off until he spoke to his primary doctor. The nurse could also try to involve any family members or caregivers to help improve the outcome. It is also important that the nurse informs the provider on Mr. B's choice and document the reasoning behind it. Lastly the nurse should inform Mr. B that he can always change his mind, if Mr. B would like to start the blood pressure medication at a later time he is welcome to do so.

Communication would have helped prevent Mr. B's fall. If the primary doctor would have checked in with the specialist, perhaps the right dose and medication could have been prescribed and Mr. B would not have suffered from a fall. The primary doctor could have also scheduled a follow up appointment with Mr. B to see how the medication was working, then could have noticed the other medication that he was prescribed. The specialist could have looked at the list of medications that Mr. B was on and evaluate from there. The specialist could have caught Mr. B becoming a fall risk based on the medication that were recently prescribed and could have given Mr. B follow up education on becoming a fall risk. Mr. B can now distrust both doctors for a mistake that communication can solve.


Paulsen, E., & Paulsen, E. (n.d.). When patients refuse treatment. Duke Health Referring Physicians. Retrieved August 9, 2022

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