Hey I just preformed a Western Blot experiment and I was wondering if you could help me on it. First I was wondering what exactly is the difference between Western Blot and SDS-Page and how it is achieved? Second can you help me determine what is on the my SDS-Page gel and my western blot membrane and why. The lane key is on attached sheet.
The specific questions I have is:
How come my elution washes didnt resolve in the gel of my SDS-Page?
How come my his-tagged protein and protein were the only two things that resolved in my western blot membrane? (If you could also tell me
why my cell lysate and other samples didnt resolve that would be great.)
How come my his-tagged protein resolved in my SDS but not my protein?
I made it only available to you because you make it easier to understand biochemistry than the rest. Please let me know if you can do it by the dadline then I will keep it close but if you cant please let me know as well and I can make it available to others.
SDS Page Lane Key (You can ignore the second gel. Most of it transferred onto the membrane.)