
How college students manage their school work leisure time

Work summary

1. Proposal (Topic: How college students manage their school work, leisure time, and employment)

• Propose one specific company or university, implement a policy that helps teach students time management techniques.

• Direct this proposal to the company's human resource manager or the university's curriculum administrator.

2. Develop PowerPoint slides for the proposal

1. Proposal

(Topic: How college students manage their school work, leisure time, and employment)


(Topic: How college students manage their school work, leisure time, and employment)

This document is an overview of the sections you'll commonly need in a proposal. With the exception of front and back matter, don't assume that each category has to be in the actual proposal you write, or that the sections have to be in the exact order listed.

You may discover that information not mentioned will be included in your particular proposal.

Review the following:

Front Matter:

Cover letter or transmittal letter

Title page

Abstract/executive summary

Table of Contents



Background on the problem, opportunity, or situation

Benefits and feasibility of the proposal

Description of the proposed work

Method, procedure, theory


Costs analysis

Resources required



Back Matter:

Works Cited


Visual Aides

Organization of Proposals

As for the organization of the content of a proposal, remember that the report is essentially a sales or persuasive document. Here are the basic steps to cover:

1. Introduce the proposal, telling the reader its purpose and contents.

2. Present the background-the problem, opportunity, or situation.

3. Get the reader concerned about the problem or excited about the opportunity.

4. State what you propose do about the problem.

5. Tell the reader how to take advantage of the opportunity.

6. Discuss the benefits and advantages of the proposal.

7. Provide a schedule that includes milestones and checkpoints.

8. Briefly list your qualifications for the project.

9. Now, list the costs and resources required for the project.

10. Conclude with a review of reasons and benefits of the proposal.

2. Develop PowerPoint

PowerPoint Development

PowerPoint requires the presenter to select or create a template that will serve as a presentation background which then, helps to create each individual, electronic slide. Unless, the presenter is skilled at presentation software and knows his or her audience, it is best to choose a predesigned template.

Templates alleviate communication blunders associated with nonverbal messages (color combinations and document layouts). Skilled presenters can modify existing templates to bring personality and content to life.There are some basic rules to creating a good presentation.

The textbook states, follow "The Rule of Six" while your instructor states, follow "The Rule of Seven." Therefore, follow either the Rule of Six or Seven and NEVER:

• Place more than 6 or 7 words per line on any slide.

• Put more than 6 or 7 bullets on any one slide.

• Create a slide that has more than 36-49 words on it.

• Use more than 1/6 to 1/7 of your presentation for animation.

• Use more than 1/6 to 1/7 of your presentation for special effects.

• Leave any one slide on the screen for more than 6-7 minutes.

When creating PowerPoint slides, keep all like elements the same, such as bullet colors, numbers, titles, and subtitles. Carry these guidelines one step further, divide the amount of time needed to communicate presentation material by 6 or 7.

The number calculated is the number of electronic slides needed. Too many or too few slides make for an awkward delivery of material.With slide development, translate the major headings from the presentation content/outline into slide titles.

(A Table of Contents is a good guide for slide titles.). Bullet points are built using short, balanced, phrases. PowerPoint slides are prompts, only! Never write the whole content of a presentation on slides. Placing too many words on any slide is one BIG error.

Whenever possible, replace text with graphics. Rather than using lots of bulleted text, the creator uses mostly graphics.

PowerPoint is fun because the software allows the user to add multimedia elements. Multimedia keeps the audience's attention; however, use multimedia sparingly. Too many special effects, sounds, flashing lights, etc., can cause the audience to become irritable and jumpy.

Using multimedia effects just because it's possible, is never a good enough reason to include them. Every multimedia technique should be used only to enhance the message delivery. If there's not advantage, leave the multimedia out. PowerPoint allows the user to implement tables, charts, graphs, graphics, and hyperlinks onto slides. With a click of the mouse, an audience can be taken live to the Web.

To develop the presentation body:

1. Choose a logical sequence.

2. Establish credibility.

3. Manage Information

4. Create a strong conclusion.

Additional elements can also be included:

• Divider Slides

• Slide Tracker

• Text to Graphics

• Paragraph to Bullets

• Audience Handouts

A good PowerPoint presentation is a standalone document. The reader should be able to comprehend the basic message just by viewing the slides.

No matter what type of PowerPoint slides designed, NEVER BE UPSTAGED BY SLIDES. Also, never expect these slides to carry the show. The audience has come to hear the presenter. When presenting, never read PowerPoint slides to an audience or read off of a computer screen.

Memorize all the material. Remember that slides provide a framework for a presentation.The audience has come to see, "The One and Only-YOU"...right on!

2. Develop PowerPoint

The Good; The Bad; The Ugly

Phase 1: The Good

Develop PowerPoint slides for your proposal. Properly write, design, and present them in a "Deck" format. Attach the finished presentation to this week's forum. Review items below:

• Create a minimum of 6-8 perfect slides.

• Ten slides should be the maximum.

• Three slides should be: Introduction, TOC and Conclusion

• Incorporate some type of graphic.

• Incorporate some type of chart/table.

• Use an appropriate background.

• Cite and reference when necessary.

If you want, post the presentation to an Internet slide show resource (i.e., issuYouPulish or Prezi, Zooming Editor or SlideShare). Attach this presentation and/or its Internet link to this week's forum.

Phase 2: The BAD

Oodles of bad PowerPoint presentations are in circulation. Learn from the mistakes of others. Search the Web to find a disastrous PowerPoint presentation:

1. Post the BAD URL in this week's forum.

2. State 3-5 reasons why it's BAD; give examples.

3. Devise 3-5 corrections/revisions for previous reasons/examples.

4. Review the BAD links presented by others.

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Operation Management: How college students manage their school work leisure time
Reference No:- TGS02893893

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