
How cloning is an asexual way to reproduce life

Question 1: Chicken or egg? In lectures 7 and 8, we learned that DNA is made by DNA polymerase, but the information on DNA polymerase comes from DNA. So which do you think came first, DNA or DNA polymerase?

Question 2: In lecture 4, we learned about proteins and in lecture 5, about DNA, and in lecture 8 about RNA. We also learned about the Dogma DNA > RNA > Proteins. We mentioned that there are scientists who think proteins are more important and interesting than DNA, others think the opposite? Others think it's the RNA. What about you?  Which do you find more interesting and more important, Proteins? DNA? RNA? and explain why?

Question 3: Cloning is an asexual way to reproduce life. Today's Molecular Biology Technology makes it possible to clone animals. Do you agree or disagree with cloning humans? Yes, no, explain why. Do you think one day humans will be cloned? Yes, no, explain why.

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Biology: How cloning is an asexual way to reproduce life
Reference No:- TGS03234213

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