
How clearly was the argument expressed within the source

Sociology Assignment


Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the assigned chapters in your textbook, watch the videos Identifying Premises and Conclusions, What Is an Argument? What Is a Good Argument? (Part I), and What Is a Good Argument? The Logic Condition, and complete the interactive module PHI 103 Premises and Conclusions. In addition, watch the video Standard Form (displayed below).

For further information, review the document Presenting Arguments in Standard Form.

Your instructor will choose the discussion question and post it as the first post in the discussion forum. Answer all the questions in the prompt, and read any resources that are required to complete the discussion properly. If you have not done so already, begin by choosing a topic from the Final Paper Options list to use in your writing assignments in this course.

Guided Response: In addition to your original post, post a minimum of three responses for a total of at least four posts. At least two responses must be to your classmates; the third response could be to a classmate or your instructor. Be sure to post on three separate days throughout the week to promote further engagement and discussion. Each response should be a minimum of 75 words.

Arguments in Sources


• Is the use of therapy (or yoga, meditation, religion, etc.) effective in improving one's long term well-being?

Take a look at the following list of topics for your final paper: List of Suggested Topics (If you have not done so already, begin by choosing a topic from the Final Paper Options list to use in your writing assignments in this course; this is under the Week Assignment instructions). Choose a topic of interest to you, for which you feel you could create a strong argument on both sides. You will be using this topic for all three of your papers in this course.

Find one source that presents a view on one side of the topic you chose. Your source here does not have to be scholarly, but perhaps an article that you find in a newspaper or on the internet. Present the main argument made by the source. Make sure to put the argument in standard form, with the premises listed above the conclusion.

Without taking sides on the issue, explain whether you feel that the source provides the strongest representation of the reasoning on that side of the issue. Consider the following questions in your initial post:

How clearly was the argument expressed within this source?

What more could be done to strengthen the reasoning in this source?

What might one do to objectively understand the issue?

Guided Response: In addition to your own post, post a minimum of three responses, at least two of which must be to your classmates. The third response could be to a classmate or your instructor. Be sure to post on three separate days throughout the week to promote further engagement and discussion. Each response should be a minimum of 50 words.

Use the format below:

Presenting Arguments in Standard Form

One of the chief goals of a logic class is to evaluate the quality of reasoning. Since we strive (or ought to strive) to base our beliefs and actions on high-quality reasoning, we must first learn how to discern the difference between good reasoning and bad reasoning.

We express reasoning in the form of arguments. An argument is a series of statements, called premises, that are given in support of the truth of another statement, called the conclusion. Here is an example, expressed in standard form (with the premises listed above the conclusion):

P1: Being a surgeon would pay better but would allow less time with my family. P2: Being a family practice doctor would fulfill me more at a personal level.

P3: Being fulfilled personally and spending more time with my family are higher priorities to me than making more money.

C: Therefore, I will choose to go into family practice.

Putting arguments into this form promotes clarity and facilitates evaluation. It also is important because of what it leaves out: We are not distracted by emotion, relationships, etc. We just have the pure argument, making it much easier to evaluate its quality objectively.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also Include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Other Subject: How clearly was the argument expressed within the source
Reference No:- TGS02117785

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