Question 1: Briefly describe how classical conditioning can be used within counselling practice.
Question 2:
A) Imagine that you have undertaken further training in family and relationship counselling, and are now working as a counsellor with couples, parents, and children.
Gina and Bruno are one of your client couples. They have come to counselling to help increase the intimacy in their relationship, having found themselves drifting apart over some time. As part of their homework, they agree to take a long stroll along the waterfront on Sunday followed by dinner at the surf club restaurant. As they return home, they are to tell each other how they feel about the date.
Gina: Mmm...this has been a gloriously refreshing afternoon and evening.I'm so glad we're doing this kind of homework.
Bruno: Sure is. What a great way to end a beautiful day. It's good to see you happy, sweetheart. I'm going to take you out more often.
a) For Bruno and Gina, hearing how much the other enjoyed their date is a: i. Positive reinforcer.
ii. Negative reinforcer.
iii. Both a positive and a negative reinforcer. iv. Neither a positive or a negative reinforcer.
Your response:
B) Based on your understanding of operant conditioning, briefly explain why you chose your response to question 2A