
How can your system be maintained and installed - describe

Assignment Report

Report Content

Your Assignment 1A Part 2 Report should contain the following:

- A brief introduction to your project/product/scenario and to the report
- A statement how you interpreted and met the 10 criteria in the assignment brief
- An Entity-Relationship model of your database
- A brief overview of your system. This may include:

o A system architecture

o A brief overview of your back end or server

o Screen shots of the most salient User Interfaces

o Some implementation details (e.g. programming languages and database used, but keep it brief please)

o How can your system be maintained and installed (system requirements etc)
- A brief user documentation of your system, e.g. a quick start menu (around 1-2 pages) how your users could use the system. May include screenshots
- A brief conclusion (1-2 paragraphs)

Please note the UML/SSM modeling from Assignment 1A Pt 1 should not be contained in the Pt 2 report any more, only what is mentioned above should be in the Pt 2 report.

In the appendix please indicate the responsibilities and work done per group member, i.e. which group member was responsible for what (design, implementation, documentation etc). We expect group members who mainly were responsible for the documentation to lead the presentation of your project later.

Source Code

You will be asked to upload your source code as a .zip file. Details will be provided in due course.

Writing your Report

Figures and Diagrams

If possible use a vector graphics format for your figures (e.g. SVN, PDF, EPS) à readability is essential! Also make sure each of your figures has a caption and is referenced in your text. You're free to use whatever you want to draw your diagrams.

Spell Checking and Grammar

It should be understood that a report containing lots of spelling and grammar mistakes is unacceptable and will be heavily penalised - so please use at least a spell checker!

Many of you are no native speakers, so some minor mistakes can be tolerated, but please make an effort!

Document Structure and Coherence

If using Word, use its build-in outline/heading numbering, automatic table of contents and referencing functionality. Know your tools! Word and other word processing tools like LibreOffice or OpenOffice provide you with great support for numbering of headings, figures and tables (including captions) as well as referencing support and the automatic creation of a table of contents (that even gets automatically updated). Please make use of these tools, it will save you and us a lot of time and headache!

Deliver a consistent story. For instance, your activity diagram should describe an existing use case and not something that is unrelated to the rest of your report or your project.

Document Size / Maximum Page Number

You report should not exceed 12 pages using a 12 point font (+/- 10% tolerance).

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Database Management System: How can your system be maintained and installed - describe
Reference No:- TGS01668561

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