
How can your dependent variable be operationalized


In my personal experience I believe there is strong evidence to suggest that the perception of how much sleep a student believes he's getting can dramatically change academic attitude in school, the effect has never been proven in terms of sleep. Therefore, I will measure students' results from a representative sample from Western Universities and Fanshawe College to account for how students in the area respond to a learning environment (With a positive outlook or still with a negative outlook when "Deceived by the reality amount of hours they are sleeping". If so this information can dramatically and easily change many lives, and potentially extend outward to military and work.

My hypothesis is the less amount of sleep changed (Up to 2 hours) of false perception of the amount of sleep can dramatically change a students outlook or learning attitude within the classroom that would otherwise be unproductive assuming all other relevant variables remain constantly moderate such as sleep, technology access, nutrition, etc. So the lower the sleep the easier it would be to persuade the test subjects that they receive their normal amount of sleep. Pushing past the 2 hour mark is were I believe results will start changing dramatically and unpredictably.

In this case of academic attitude being the dependant variable

• How can your dependent variable be operationalized?

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