How can you verify the quality of the sample


General Research Theme: Does public opinion matter for policy outcomes

Research Question - Choose a narrow question within this very broad research theme.

Narrowing the question will entail:

1) Choosing a policy outcome ( mental health care), this is your dependent variable.
2) Describing some idea of what you mean by public opinion (your independent variable)

Sampling and Measurement -using the Research Methods Knowledge Base, specify your sample and measures.

1) What is your research sample? How can you verify the quality of the sample?
2) How will you measure your dependent variable? How can you demonstrate validity?
3) How will you measure your independent variable? How can you demonstrate validity?

Research Design - using the Research Methods Knowledge Base, specify the type of design you will employ in your project.

1) Experimental, quasi-experimental, non-experimental
2) Points of observation (pre and/or post-test observation)
3) Strengths and weaknesses of your design

Qualitative Approach - choose a method from the course (interviews, case study, content analysis, or participant observation) as your primary empirical tool.

1) Explain why you chose that tool.

2) Provide a brief structure that you would use to employ that tool. In the case of interviews, offer a brief sample protocol. In the case of content analysis, describe some texts you would use and how you would extract data from those sources. In the case of case studies, explain why the case was chosen and how you would present evidence. In the case of participant observation, describe whom you would observe and how you would extract data.

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