
How can you use ebp in your practice and discuss some

Clinical Research and Evidenced-Based Practice

In this assignment, you will identify if clinical research is the same as evidenced-based practice (EBP) and consider the obstacles to nursing research in a clinical environment.

Using the South University Online Library find research articles on clinical research and EBP.

Question 1

Based on your research and understanding of the topic, answer the following question:

  • How does your facility incorporate EBP in a clinical setting to promote patient outcomes? Do you have recommendations on how your facility can improve its use of EBP?

Question 2

Complete the following discussions:

  • How can you use EBP in your practice? Discuss some impediments to creating a program of nursing research in your clinical environment.
  • Identify and discuss strategies for promoting EBP in your practice.

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Essay Writing: How can you use ebp in your practice and discuss some
Reference No:- TGS0606382

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