
How can you get the asos permission to proceed give that

Unsolicited Proposal: Thwarting Dorm Room Thievery Team

As an enterprising college student, you recognized a problem as soon as you arrived on campus. Dorm rooms filled with pricey digital doodads were very attractive to thieves. Some students move in with more than $3,000 in gear, including laptop computers, flat-screen TVs, digital cameras, MP3 players, video game consoles, PDAs, and DVD players.

You solved the problem by buying an extra-large steel footlocker to lock away your valuables. However, shipping the footlocker was expen- sive (nearly $100), and you had to wait for it to arrive from a catalog.

Political Patterns

• Are there any immediate threats to the political survival of the country?

• How is political power manifested?

• What channels are used for expressing political opinions?

• What information media are important?

• Is it appropriate to talk politics in social situations?

Religion and Folk Beliefs

• To which religious groups do people belong? Is one predominant?

• Do religious beliefs influence daily activities?

• Which places are considered sacred? Which objects? Which events?

• How do religious holidays affect business activities?

Economic Institutions

• What are the country's principal products?

• Are workers organized in unions?

• How are businesses owned? By family units? By large public cor- porations? By the government?

• What is the standard work schedule?

• Is it appropriate to do business by telephone? By computer?

• How has technology affected business procedures?

• Is participatory management used?

• Are there any customs related to exchanging business cards?

• How is status shown in an organization? Private office? Secretary? Furniture?

• Are businesspeople expected to socialize before conducting business?

Value Systems

• Is competitiveness or cooperation more prized?

• Is thrift or enjoyment of the moment more valued?

• Is politeness more important than factual honesty?

• What are the attitudes toward education?

• Do women own or manage businesses? If so, how are they treated?

• What are your people's perceptions of Americans? Do Americans offend you? What has been hardest for you to adjust to in America? How could Americans make this adjustment easier for you?

Your bright idea is to propose to the Associated Student Organization (ASO) that it allow you to offer these steel footlockers to students at a reduced price and with campus delivery. Your footlocker, which you found by searching the Web, is extremely durable and works great as a coffee table, nightstand, or card table. It comes with a smooth interior liner and two compartments.

Your Task. Working individually or with a team, imagine that you have made arrangements with a manufacturer to act as an intermedi- ary selling footlockers on your campus at a reduced price. Consult the Web for manufacturers and make up your own figures. How can you get the ASO's permission to proceed? Give that organization a cut? Use your imagination in deciding how this plan might work on a college campus. Then prepare an unsolicited proposal to your ASO. Outline the problem and your goals of protecting students' valuables and providing convenience. Check the Web for statistics regarding on-campus burglaries. Such figures should help you develop one or more persuasive "hooks." Then explain your proposal, project possible sales, discuss a timetable, and describe your staffing. Submit your proposal to Billie White, president, Associated Student Organization.

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