
How can you explain one journal article newspaper

Assignment Instructions for Application Paper 1

• This is the only Application Paperfor this Course.

• The goal here is to reflect on media resources (studies/findings) relevant to the course material and critically applying the materials learned in class to explain the content of the media resource.

• You are required to post onelink to an online resource on current affairs on any aspect of Environmental Sociologyin the form of journal article, newspaper article/report, statistical report, news/internet clippings or a relevant/approved video on a news item or analysison to the D2L Dropbox board assigned for this.

• Other than posting the link to the resource, you have to examine this resource critically and find clear connections to concepts or theories discussed in the text and/or in class.

• In other words, the objective of this exercise is as follows:

o How can you explain one journal article/ newspaper article/report/ statistical report/news/internet clippingsby using/applying concepts/theories or other relevant material in Environmental Sociology.

• Page limit for this paper should be between 3 pages minimum (can be more) double spaced (excluding the title and reference pages).

• The more elaborately and comprehensively you write, and the better you explain how you are applying the course material to explain something in the real world (your media resource), the better will be the grade.

• There are two parts to be submitted on the D2L drop-box for this Application Paper: (part 1) the link and (part 2) your critical review of the source you provided.

o Prepare a word document for the critical reflection and post the link to your media resource at the top of the document.

• Format (optional): the assignment should have at least three paragraphs:

o An introductory paragraph stating the source of the article/study/report/news report. The introductory paragraph should also state why you chose to write on this topic or why this topic is important from the viewpoint of the course material (which chapter, or part of the chapter it relates to, etc.)

o The second paragraph should talk about the concepts/theories/ or other related materialthat you are using to examine and critically explain the material/ media source. In other words, explain the theory/concepts etc. in your own words.

o Finally, the last paragraph should elaborately link the theory/concepts/other class material to explaining the content of the media source. Or simply put, how do you use a theory or set of theories to explain the content of your media resource.

Very Important:

• I do not want to see casually written few lines for this assignment. This is a very important assignment for this class. If taken very lightly, it will reflect on your grade.

• A very good assignment will be based on:

o How good or relevant your media resource is.

o How comprehensively/clearly you write the critical reflection.

o How clearly you apply the course material to explain the article critically.

o How well you write, including clearly written, grammatically correct, sentences.

Overall, pay attention to details.

To access the dropbox for this assignment: go to assignments, and then go to the dropbox that says: Application Paper

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Dissertation: How can you explain one journal article newspaper
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