Please answer the following psychology questions please answer each provide references at least 200 words for each answer
Use APA format for references
1.Chapter 6
One factor in dual relationships mentioned in the reading is harm. As psychologists we must always assess if the treatment is a) needed. and b) helpful. Let's say we have someone come in with depression.
They have chosen to try cognitive behavioral therapy with a psychologist. They have come in now for six weekly visits and they are appearing to have more of a flat affect, and they have started abusing alcohol in the last few weeks.
We must examine if it is the treatment that is making them worse or try and identify a new approach that will better help them cope. Is the person still able to make rational decisions? Would continuing the therapy make them worse? Are they at risk for suicide?
Do they now need more focus on the alcohol abuse than the depression, or do they need a dual diagnosis approach? These are just some of the questions that we have to ask and address in order to make sure we are not harming the client. What are your thoughts on this?
2. Chapter 6
How can you define a dual relationship to a layperson? What prohibitions does the APA Ethics Code place on psychologists regarding dual relationships? Do you agree with the prohibitions? Why or why not?
3. Wk 3: Boundaries and You
Search for your state's legal statutes in the code of professional standards regarding professional boundaries. What types of activities would the APA Ethics Code consider to be professional boundaries violations? How do your local statutes relate to a potential violation?
4. nformed Consent
What would be the effect on a psychologist who fails to obtain informed consent prior to providing services to a patient? Assume that a 16-year old boy contacts you by telephone, indicating he is contemplating suicide. What are your obligations in terms of assisting this client? How does informed consent apply in this instance?
5. Forensic Multidisciplinary Perspectives of Tarasoff Liability: A Vignette Study
Remember that each State (South Carolina)has its own laws regulated mandated reporting and the duty to warn. Your text discusses this in Chapter 7 and you can see more in the video this week on Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California (1976). What does your State specifically have in place?
At this website:
there is a map of mandated reporting and duty to warn on a State by State basis. Also, click on the link to the table (right hand side of TOC) and it will list the statutes for your State that will impact you as a therapist.
6. What are some ethics and professional issues related to the practice of social justice in counseling
7. What are some professional boundaries as professionals a psychologist, therapist should set when working with clients. As providers we're responsible for setting and maintaining professional boundaries.
And in the helping field, we're guaranteed to have complex ethical dilemmas. Ignoring them isn't an option, as we've seen in these scenarios. We hope you'll continue to accept this challenge to seek out your colleagues, and to share your ethical dilemmas and concerns.
Remember, it helps to have a conscious decision making process. Either one you've created, or the one offered in this video. Take time to discuss your own ethical decision making process now.
Subtle boundary dilemmas: Ethical decision making for helping professionals [Video file]. (1995). Retrieved March 28, 2017, from
8. What are some behavior and activities that constitute violations of professional boundaries?