If you do any supplementary research for your written submission, you must cite your sources using MLA styleWritten Submission:
Each member of the group must submit a written response - 3-5 pages - typed and double-spaced - to the questions which correspond to the artist you have chosen. If you include images to support your response, these images do not count towards your page count. While there are individual questions for each artist, your written response should feel like a unified essay.
What is the play about for you? What's your concept or take on the play?
How can you defend your concept or take? Why does it make sense for this play?
When and where are you setting the play? If you're changing the original setting, why?
Why do you want to direct it? How can you relate to the play on a personal level?
Describe a key moment from the show and how you plan to handle it as director.
For the play New York
Why : it's too easy to sell my play because there is around 5 million visitors to new York city.
My group choose
The date and the stage and design and costume
The play going to Focus in love and color
Why because we need the young audience.