
How can you collect collate and record feedback on case plan


Read the following case study carefully and then answer the questions listed below.

You work for a program that supports young people and their families with family conflict. Your role is a caseworker and a trained mediator. The Freedan family has been referred to your program. Mother Mary is 42 years old, has not worked for over 20 years, as she has been a stay at home mum looking after three girls, her husband is Manu he is 60 years old and works two jobs to support the family, he has done this for 20 years. The parents barely see each other or spend time together, upon talking to both you realise they are considering a divorce.

Sally is a 15-year-old female, who attends Ginelly high school. She has been disengaging from school and has run away from home 3 times, she does not want to communicate with her family she says she is "over it all" her parents fight all the time and she feels like her family is falling apart, when she is feeling sad she smokes cigarettes it makes her feel "less stressed". Sally has two twin sisters Sabrina and Sue who attend primary school year 6, they are doing well in school but when they come home they both just go to their rooms and stay in there, they rarely communicate with the rest of the family

Develop a case plan for this family. Then answer the following questions.

A. List the key concerns you feel should be in your case plan?

B. Choose two concerns and explain how you may be able to support the person/family to work through this concern?

C. How often should this case plan be reviewed?

D. How can you collect, collate and record feedback on this case plan?

E. Should this family be referred to any other services for further support?

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Reference No:- TGS03222431

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