
How can you be sure that these factors really caused your

This course is structured so that in each week, you work on and assemble pieces of your Final Paper. In Week Five, then, much of the groundwork will have already been laid out for a successful final project.

Consequently, it is very important to take special care with these discussion prompts, as careful work will save you much time later on. This week you will expand on your analysis of the specific factors you identified in your thesis statement that caused your social problem.

Additionally, you begin identifying and discussing the consequences of your social problem. Use the feedback from your peers and instructor to refine your analysis for the Final Paper due in Week Five.

Using the resources you have identified for your Final Paper, consider the social problem that you have been developing in your Final Paper. In your thesis statement from Week Three, what specific factors did you identify that caused your social problem?

How can you be sure that these factors really caused your social problem? What evidence exists to confirm your suspicions (If you did your outline properly, this should be readily apparent)?

Then briefly explain one of the two consequences of that social problem, and describe how it affects social systems and individuals. Go beyond providing citations and describe the evidence. Please cite your sources in APA format both in-text and in full reference citations at the end of the post.

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Dissertation: How can you be sure that these factors really caused your
Reference No:- TGS02294138

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