
How can you apply the topic to your life now


A. What is your selected to pic? Idenb'ty one topic/concept that is covered in the textbook and lectures [for instance: credit card debt, budgets. life insurance, ETF's. etc). Clearly identify the topic in a brief introductory paragraph.

B. Why did you select this topic? What about this topic peaks your interest?

C. How have your opinions of this topic changed due to what you have learned in this course? If they have not changed. explain why.

D. How can you apply the topic to your life now - even though incarcerated? Will you have any hurdles in applying this to your life now?

E. Who else can bene?t from learning this topic and how can you share it with them? {Not a fellow student).

F. As of when you write each paper. what are your overall feelings of your personal learning progress and success in this course? (Did you do your best. what could you have done better, what were your struggles, etc.)

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Macroeconomics: How can you apply the topic to your life now
Reference No:- TGS03257366

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