
How can you apply strengths to your academic goals


Application of Concepts

Apply concepts identified in class to your life.

Address the following:

Dependable Strengths ->(107 examples of possible strengths: Athletic, Resourceful, Adaptable, Motivated to Achieve, Organized, Initiator, Analytical, Managing, Altruistic, Playful, Ehical, Leader, Communicator, Competitive, Caring, Considerate, Broad perspective, Brave, Observant, Hopeful, Careful, Imaginative, Practical, Sensitive, Mentoring, Strong faith, Organized, Appreciative of beauty, Persistent, Disciplined, Authentic, Empathic, Evenhanded, Focused, Goal-Oriented, Curiosity, Socially responsible, Thinks ahead, Articulate, Cooperative, Tolerant, Creative, Kind, Grateful, Trustworthy, Aware of feelings, Honest,, Artistic, Sees patterns, Brings people together, Sympathetic, Hospitable, Inquisitive, Cheerful, Intellectual, Self controlled, Introspective, Follows through, Intelligent, Zestful, Lifetime learner, Inventive, Thtifty, Researching, Charismatic, Efficient, Fair, Open minded, Optimistic, Responsible, Problem solver, Intuitive, Self confident, Intense, Friendly, Wisdom, Enthusiastic, Balanced, Prudent, Energetic, Generous, Responsible, Even tempered, Enjoys people, Witty, Courageous, Original, Diplomatic, Loyal, Skilled negotiator, Mechanical, Persuasive, Planner, Coordinating, Foresight, Critical thinker, Humility, Spiritual, Musical, Technical, Spatial, Computing)

1. List the four dependable strengths that you identified with the help of people

- How can you apply your strengths to your academic goals?
- How can you apply your strengths to your personal relationships?

2) Victim and Creator

- Consider the quote, ?Whatever we focus on increases and become our reality?
- What does this quote mean to you?
- Discuss the terms victim and creator
- What would it mean for you to focus on what you can change, versus what you cannot change in your life and how may this change your life?

3) Personal Responsibility

- Define Personal Responsibility

- What changes in your beliefs, thinking patterns, and/or behaviors do you believe you need to make to ultimately take control of your life and be your best self?

- How will you keep yourself accountable to making these changes?

? The Shift? and ? What the Bleep do We Know?

- What movie or section of movie resonated with you the most? Discuss.

- What movie or section of movie did not resonate with you? Discuss.

- Based on Dr. Wayne Dyer?s movie, ?The Shift?, discuss how you believe shifting your choices from ambition to meaning would look in your life?

Connecting Your Learning

- Connect something you learned from this course to a learning objective

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English: How can you apply strengths to your academic goals
Reference No:- TGS01926462

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