How can you and others be of assistance as a call to action


Issue research essay about overfishing Discuss the 5Ws and H of overfishing (500 words EACH)

A. WHAT is the social issue? Provide ample background information about the issue.
B. WHY does this problem exist? (Provide historical background information. Why did this become an issue in the first place?)
C. WHO does your issue affect? (Demographic? Provide a profile of persons who are most affected).
D. WHEN do those who are affected become most vulnerable to the issue (at what age, time period, circumstance, etc.?)
E. WHERE is this issue most prevalent? (Whereabouts and location?)
F. HOW can you and others be of assistance as a Call to Action? (What small or large acts can we do to help alleviate this issue? What unique and creative strategies can think up?

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