
How can we use legacies of the civil rights organizations


Define and characterize the nadir era. During the nadir period, several strategies were advocated for African American upliftment. Discuss the activism of Booker T. Washington, Ida B. Wells-Barnett and W.E.B DuBois. How did their backgrounds affect their perspectives? Discuss two points from their specific perspectives. What were the merits and limitations of their arguments? Discuss two major accomplishments of each leader. Several civil rights organizations emerged during this era as well. Discuss the goals and activities for two of the following organizations: National Association of Colored Women (1896), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (1909) and the National Urban League (1910). How can we use the legacies of these civil rights organizations, Washington, Wells-Barnett and Du Bois in contemporary Black liberation struggles?

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History: How can we use legacies of the civil rights organizations
Reference No:- TGS03295633

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