
How can we understand all of these for an educational sense


How can we understand all of these for an educational sense: Fine tuning assessments, Fishing for the right assessment, multiple-choice item-writing guidelines, key questions on measuring learning, bridge between today's lesson and tomorrow's, assessment system, and Writing test questions?

Need a brief reading of each of these to help understand more insight

1. Fine tuning assessments for better feedback by Arcuri & Dueck. Educational Leadership, Volume 79, Issue 7

2. Fishing for the right assessment language by Dueck. Educational Leadership, Volume 77, Issue 6

3. A review of multiple-choice item-writing guidelines for classroom assessment. Applied Measurement in Education by Haladyna, Downing, & Rodriguez, Volume 15, Issue 3

4. The application of item analysis to classroom achievement tests by Kolstad, Briggs, & Kolstad. Education, Volume 105 Issue 1

5. Three key questions on measuring learning by McTighe. Educational Leadership, Volume 75 Issue 5

6. The bridge between today's lesson and tomorrows by Tomlinson. Educational Leadership, Volume 71 Issue 6

7. The assessment system that made me love grading again by Wiggins. Educational Leadership, Volume 79 Issue 7

8. The quest for quality by Chappuis, Chappuis, & Stiggins. Educational Leadership, Volume 67 Issue 3

9. Writing test questions like a pro by Conderman, & Koroghlanian, Intervention in School & Clinic, Volume 38 Issue 2.

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