
How can we teach people to embrace change what is the role

Research area: Managing change:

How can we teach people to embrace change? What is the role of change management in the innovation process? How can leaders accelerate the change-management process?

Explain how societal events over this century have shaped the field of I/O psychology in general and your chosen research area specifically.

Identify trends you expect to emerge within the field of I/O psychology generally, and your chosen research area specifically, in the next ten years. Explain and support your predictions with evidence from scholarly literature.

Describe competencies you think will be especially important for an I/O professional for these future trends. Justify your reasoning for the importance of these competencies. Your final product will be a 4 page Word document written in APA format and utilizing at least three scholarly sources.

Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Rubric: Assignment Components Proficient Explain how societal events over this century have shaped the field of I/O psychology in general and your chosen research area specifically.

Explanation is supported with relevant examples, which have affected the field of I/O in general, and the chosen area specifically. Explanation is clear and concise. Identify trends you expect to emerge within the field of I/O psychology generally, and your chosen research area specifically, in the next ten years.

Explain and support your predictions with evidence from scholarly literature. Trends identified are appropriate and likely, both within the field of I/O psychology in general, and the chosen area specifically.

All trends predicted are justified with evidence from scholarly sources. Describe competencies you think will be especially important for an I/O professional for these future trends. Justify your reasoning for the importance of these competencies.

Competencies which are believed to become especially important in the future are specific and clear.

Justification for why the specific competencies will be most important are supported using current trends and scholarly sources.

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Management Theories: How can we teach people to embrace change what is the role
Reference No:- TGS02567188

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