How can we enhance to parole system

Assignment task: Please write a 600 word essay - Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced, 1-inch margins, no spacing between paragraphs, repeating the question does not count towards the word count. Answering the following questions in your own opinions:

1. As of today, do you believe that the community corrections system achieves the desired goals of the American criminal justice system?

  • What are the goals?
  • Why or why not?

2. How can we enhance to probation system to achieve those desired goals? What information made you decide on these strategies?

3. How can we enhance to parole system to achieve those desired goals? What information made you decide on these strategies?

4. Of the strategies identified, what is the most beneficial strategy? Why?

5. Of the strategies identified, what is the most easily implemented strategy? Why?

6. Can society achieve the desired goals of the American criminal justice system by implementing only these changes to the community corrections system? Why or why not?

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Reference No:- TGS03367879

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