
How can we deduce our values and motivations


The so-called "hard skills" refer to being prepared to handle finance, accounting, or marketing. According to research, the skills that employers look for the most are interpersonal skills:

  • communication,
  • self-awareness,
  • teamwork

They are also known as "soft skills." Employers have said "book smarts" are insufficient to prepare people for a fast-changing and complex work environment.

How to improve your soft skills

Seek open and direct feedback from friends, colleagues, and peers. Learn to accept their comments, whether you agree with them or not, without judgment. This can be very difficult at first. However, "practice makes perfect." This is a necessary, pivotal STEP in increasing self-awareness because how we perceive our strengths and development opportunities can differ greatly from how others see them. This makes feedback key. Without truly understanding ourselves, how can we deduce our values and motivations?

To be effective decision-makers, you need to watch your soft skills. How can you apply this STEP to your professional and personal development?

The next step is translating the answers into a feasible plan and appropriate actions.

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