
How can tom create teamwork in an organizational culture


Team Case Study: Moving to Teams

Tom Brown is the manager of a 20-member sales staff at the largest ATT Phone Store in Chicago. Tom has consistently achieved the highest sales revenues in Illinois for the past 5 years and was promoted to run the flagship store in 2015 in recognition of his record. ATT is very hierarchical and operates following strict, bureaucratic procedures. It is a classic "command and control" organizational culture.

Except for the store manager, all store employees are paid minimum wage, about $15,500 annually. However, employees can earn an additional $20,000-30,000 annually from store incentive pay, which is strictly based on service agreements & phone sales. All negotiations, including product prices (phones and accessories), returns, and service agreement prices, are made at the corporate level. Technical resources and most customer service issues are handled over the Internet through the ATT Service Center.

Due to recent spikes in employee turnover, poor customer service ratings and increased competition from Sprint and Verizon, Tom is concerned that the strict focus on rules and procedures is limiting new business and reducing customer retention. Employees are only incented for and concerned about following the rules versus pleasing the customers. Tom believes that shifting to a team model, with Tom as team leader rather than manager, would encourage a customer service orientation among the staff. However, Tom is uncertain whether teamwork is compatible with the ATT's culture.

Discussion questions:

• How can Tom create teamwork in an organizational culture that is not team oriented?

• What kinds of problems will Tom encounter using teams in this organizational environment?

• How can Tom handle relations between the team and the larger organization?

• Be sure to include an Introduction (7-10 sentances) and a conclusion using APA formate. Please attach solution in .pdf format.

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Microeconomics: How can tom create teamwork in an organizational culture
Reference No:- TGS01818153

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