How can the theory of helene p foley reinforcing social norm


Guerra is the god associated to the chaos of war. She is the goddess of destructive conflict and usually ends in battles and deaths. Her attributes include tall, long curly hair, and rose petal cheeks with smalls pecks around her nose. She carries an axe, that glows in the dark. Guerra is worshipped by soldiers, and anyone willing to go to war for their people. She is cold hearted but when shown worthy she is approachable. She also tends to appear in dreams of those in charge, such as kings, and warns them when danger is on the way. Guerra can be connected to an aspect in daily life, as humans tend to think of vengeance and oftentimes act on it, as a human normally respond. The difference is Guerra is a goddess and she cannot control her anger, she always acts on her anger.

How can the theory of Helene P. Foley: Reinforcing social norms explain the myth given in the story above?

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History: How can the theory of helene p foley reinforcing social norm
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