
How can the state pension system mitigate market failure in

How can the state pension system mitigate market failure in private sector pension provision?

Types of Pension Scheme

-Social security system, Beveridgean system, Bismarckian system

-Occupational pension schemes or plans

-Any additional savings for retirement that the individual chooses above that provided by the state or the company for whom the individual works

Risks in Private Pension Schemes

-Replacement rate risk { the risk that the pension will be insufficient to maintain the same standard of living after retirement as before retirement as a result of inadequate contributions made during the accumulation stage.

-Inflation risk, the risk that inflation will reduce the purchasing power of retirement savings.

-Political risk , the risk of explicit changes by the government in the law that adversely affect the contributions to and/or bene ts from a pension scheme, such as the removal of favourable tax breaks on contributions.

-Portability risk, the risk that accrued pension benefits are not fully portable when the member changes jobs.

-Employer insolvency risk { the risk that the pension scheme has a de cit at the time the employer becomes insolvent.

Systematic demographic risk occurs as a result of systematically increasing longevity and systematically declining fertility.

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Financial Management: How can the state pension system mitigate market failure in
Reference No:- TGS02855893

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