Application Exercise 1
• Visit the DME coding system (DMECS) website at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
• Review the DMECS guide
• Explain the purpose of the DMECS, its uses, and users
o Include the results of searching on replacement socket and HCPCS code L8000
Chapter 4 Application Exercise 1
• Access the NDC-HCPCS crosswalk
o Locate the HCPCS code J2997
o Identify the NDC codes for J2997
• Find the NDC Label for Cathflo activase. Search the Internet for the official site for this drug. Locate the billing FAQs
• Answer the following questions
o Is the configuration of the NDC codes HIPAA compliant? Why or why not?
o How can the same HCPCS code have different NDC codes?
o What NDC code is provided in the FAQs?
Assignment Guidelines
• You have the choice to write a two-page paper double spaced or create a multimedia presentation to respond to the exercises
• Clearly label your response to each exercise in your submission.