
How can restorative justice be used in schools


Research paper: Topic selection with research questions assignment instructions

Topic: Restorative justice: how can restorative justice be used in schools


The assignments in this course are built upon one another. These assignments are to reflect the path one takes in the dissertation process. This assignment and the ones that follow are to be of the same topic and to build completing the final paper. Select a topic that you are interested in exploring this term. Pick Research Questions and include a Bibliography to support the proposed Research Paper and Literature Review in the future modules.


During this course, the student will compose an original 10 to 12-page Literature Review on a current topic or trend in criminal justice (see the instructions for the Literature Review assignment). In preparation for the Literature Review, the student will submit his/her topic for approval, along with a preliminary bibliography. The preliminary bibliography must cite at least 6 scholarly resources that are significant to the topic (current, relevant, credible, and each carries its weight), with a clear and meaningful connection between all the resources. The student must identify a research question for his/her topic. The students must properly follow the current APA style. The items to include are outlined as follows:

• Length of assignment: 2 to 5 pages

o Information that is excluded from this length (e.g. title page, abstract, reference section, etc.)

• Format of assignment: current APA

• Number of citations: Minimum of two (2)

• Acceptable sources: scholarly articles published within the last five years, textbook and The Bible


Church, A. S., Marcus, D. K., & Hamilton, Z. K. (2021). Community Service Outcomes in Justice-Involved Youth: Comparing Restorative Community Service to Standard Community Service. Criminal Justice and Behavior.

Cullen, F. T., & Jonson, C. L. (2017). Correctional theory: Context and consequences. Sage Publications.

Darling-Hammond, S., Fronius, T. A., Sutherland, H., Guckenburg, S., Petrosino, A., & Hurley, N. (2020). Effectiveness of restorative justice in US K-12 schools: A review of quantitative research. Contemporary School Psychology, 24, 295-308.

Katic, B., Alba, L. A., & Johnson, A. H. (2020). A systematic evaluation of restorative justice practices: school violence prevention and response. Journal of school violence, 19(4), 579-593.

King James Bible. (1970). The Holy Bible. Camden, New Jersey. Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Lyubansky, M., & Barter, D. (2019). Restorative justice in schools: Theory, implementation, and realistic expectations. In The Psychology of Peace Promotion (pp. 309-328). Springer, Cham

Payne, A. A., & Welch, K. (2018). The effect of school conditions on the use of restorative justice in schools. Youth violence and juvenile justice, 16(2), 224-240.

Suzuki, M., & Yuan, X. (2021). How Does Restorative Justice Work? A Qualitative Metasynthesis. Criminal Justice and Behavior.

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