How can portfolios be used in course assessment what are

Assignment: Portfolio Reflection

Portfolios are valuable assessment tools that represent authentic student work. They are helpful to demonstrate growth over time and to evaluate work that has been accomplished.

For this Discussion, you will reflect upon your work thus far with the development of your assessment planning portfolio.

To demonstrate your understanding of the purpose and function of portfolios and to share progress including goals met and challenges faced, respond to the following questions:

• What experience have you had with the use or development of a portfolio of any kind?
• How can portfolios be used in course assessment?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of assessment tool?
• How can the tool be applied in the online environment? Provide at least one specific example.
• Would you recommend using this tool? Why or why not?
• How has your experience been thus far with the development of your assessment planning portfolio?
• What have been some challenges in the development of your assessment portfolio thus far?
• If you have any questions regarding your final project pose them on this discussion so your instructor and your classmates can provide you with guidance to clarify questions or point you towards relevant resources

Discussion 2


For Installment 4 of your Assessment Planning Portfolio, please consider the course that you have been planning for the Course Project. After reflecting on creating an effective activity, found in Chapter 10 of the Suskie (2009) text, you will develop and share one of your course activities that corresponds to one of your sub outcomes that also complements the assessment of this particular learning activity that you will include in your lesson.


Begin this installment with a description of your course activity and the specific corresponding outcome and sub outcome. Discuss how students will benefit from this particular activity. Use the following sections to write your installment. Format each section title as a level 1 heading following the APA style guidelines for organizing a manuscript and levels of headings. Your Word document will be properly formatted according to APA style.

• Overview of Activity - Describe an assignment that could be included in the course that you have been planning that aligns with a specific outcome and sub outcome.

• Directions - Specifically state each step of the assignment directions with detail and clarity.

• Assessment - Describe the relationship between the assessment tool or strategy that will be used to measure student learning based on this particular activity.

• Conclusion - Reiterate the salient points made regarding the possible benefits and shortcomings of using this particular learning activity, and finish by restating the purpose of the paper.

• References - Include a properly formatted reference page for any sources you cite.

As with any meaningful planning document, the more detail you are able to provide from the start, the more productive the experience will be. Also, keep in mind that you might come back in later terms to make minor adjustments or add more descriptive content to this installment. Please note this Social Media installment contributes partially to your final assessment planning portfolio and only represents one of the two activities that are required in your final submission.

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Dissertation: How can portfolios be used in course assessment what are
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