How can management can enhance the use if diversity

Discussion Post: Diversity in Health Services

Diversity often is used in the context of legal requirements as mandated by discrimination and harassment laws, and in the past has referred to "protected classes," such as gender, race, color and religion. In fact, diversity encompasses all of the potential differences that affect how we interpret and behave, differences that are so commonly encountered that we might fail to understand their power. It is important to take a look at how diversity impacts a growing and changing healthcare industry. Analyze three ways the growing diversity of the healthcare workforce affects the management of a healthcare organization today. How can management can enhance the use if diversity throughout the organization? Use examples in your response that show how this can happen.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Business Management: How can management can enhance the use if diversity
Reference No:- TGS03145217

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