
How can it be used to identify problems and make changes


Safety is a factor of both individual actions and the general organizational culture in which the individuals perform their duties. Safety climate surveys attempt to measure existing attitudes and practices with respect to safety as well as to assess the effectiveness of safety initiatives and highlight areas in need of improvement. For additional insight into safety climate surveys, review the slide presentation: Safety Climate: A Dimension of Safety Culture in Aviation (PDF).

For this assignment, explore the Naval Aviation Climate Assessment Survey System website. Use the following directives as a guide in your exploration. As you explore each area of the site, answer the following questions for each respective area. Then, compile your answers into one fluid response.

I. Survey Information - Access item 2 - Survey Information and review a) Survey Overview.

II. Survey Overview - Access item 3 - Survey Samples and read through the description of the various safety climate surveys. From this area, select three specific surveys and review the survey questions.

• Address these questions in your response:

i. What are your impressions of the surveys you reviewed?
ii. Do the surveys address relevant safety issues? Be specific.
iii. Do you think the surveys would be successful in assessing a true picture of the safety culture of an organization? Why or why not?
iv. Did you notice any potential problems or issues with the survey questions?

III. Sample Results - Access item 5 - Sample Results and review the screens that provide sample data collected from the surveys. Choose a sample results screen.

• Address the prompt and questions in your response:

i. Explain how you would interpret the results.
ii. How can it be used to identify problems and make changes?
iii. Do you think the presentation of the results is helpful and effective for assessing the safety culture of an environment?

IV. Considerations - Access item 8 - Considerations and read through the considerations for the three surveys you reviewed in item 2.

• Address these questions in your response:

i. What insights do these considerations provide?
ii. Are they realistic? Relevant?
iii. Overall, how effective do you think safety climate surveys are/can be in helping to ensure a safety oriented organizational culture?

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Business Management: How can it be used to identify problems and make changes
Reference No:- TGS03248718

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