Word Limit: 1600 to 1700-words.
This assignment, which covers the concepts presented in Unit 2, asks you to prepare an essay response (approximately 1600-1700 words or about six, typed/word-processed pages) to one of the three questions presented below. Do not answer all three.
Your essay response to the question must include direct references to the course materials (textbook, required readings, or researched sources) and use an appropriate citation style (such as APA Style) when quoting or making references to these sources in your responses.
Before beginning, take a few minutes to review Tips for Completing Assignments, the Grading Criteria for Written Assignments, and Athabasca University's Academic Misconduct Policy.
Contact your tutor if you have any questions or concerns about how to approach or complete this assignment before you begin writing.
When you have completed your essay, ensure that you make or keep a copy for your records. Upload your assignment and submit it to your tutor for marking.
All assignments are marked within five business days of their receipt. Your graded assignment will be returned to you via the same Assignment link. When you receive it, review the comments made, and if necessary, contact your tutor to discuss the results.
Assignment Essay Questions (answer only one question)
1. "Class" is an important core concept discussed in Unit 2. Define the concept and describe the role property plays in defining class. How are the relationships between the working class and the capitalist class defined? How does the middle class fit into this picture?
2. How can "inequality" be described; how can it be measured? Do you see any causal relationships between "class" and "inequality"?
3. Why do some economists argue that "unemployment is voluntary" while others insist on the notion of "involuntary unemployment"? Outline the main arguments of both of these groups of economists.