
How can hr best protect the organization from possible


Question 1:

The widespread implementation of affirmative action programs decades ago has largely been curtailed due to a series of Supreme Court decisions and changes in state laws. Last year the Supreme Court decided a case that involved section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, which was passed during the same time as Title VII. The underlying rationale for the Court to strike down this important section was based on the premise that it was no longer necessary to protect voting rights of minorities -that society had made sufficient progress in racial equality that the protections were no longer needed. What is the relationship of the protections in the Voting Rights Act to protections for minorities in Title VII? Do you think the same arguments can be made that the protections in Title VII are no longer necessary due to social changes over the past 50 years? Discuss fully.

Question 2:

Some Western European countries have experienced increased social tension in recent years as their Muslim populations have grown dramatically. There has been resistance to integration into mainstream society from Muslims as well from non-Muslims, much of this arising from cultural and religious differences. As the Muslim population continues to grow in the US similar tensions are building. From an HR standpoint, discuss issues you believe have/will arise from Muslims seeking employment in US businesses. Are these different from issues faced with other religions or cultural groups? How can HR best protect the organization from possible discrimination claims by Muslims, and effectively integrate Muslims into their workplace? (BE SPECIFIC)

Question 3:

Visit the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website to learn more about the various types of discrimination prohibited in the workplace. While we know that all forms of discrimination are serious and pose a threat in the workplace, from an HR perspective, which type of discrimination do you find to be the most troublesome? Thoroughly discuss your rationale. Have you ever been witness to a case of discrimination in your place of work? If you feel comfortable, please feel free to share the details of that scenario and discuss how it was handled by your organization.

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HR Management: How can hr best protect the organization from possible
Reference No:- TGS02523087

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