
How can ethnocentrism contribute to global tensions


(a) What is sociology and how and why did it develop? (Hint: Note the importance of social change and social transitions).

(b) Is the study of sociology important in today's modern information-driven world? Why or why not?

(c) Why should we understand other cultures and ethnocentrism? What difference does this understanding make in navigating today's complex global world?

Use that information and your "sociological imagination" respond to ONE of the following:

1. How can ethnocentrism contribute to global tensions, conflicts, even wars? How can ethnocentrism be lessened?

2. What are the differences between a society and a nation? In the contemporary world, what are some examples of this? Why is "nation" so important in the global arena?

3. How does culture affect socialization and the transitions of life (or "rites of passage")?

4. To what extent is a global culture emerging? What difference does it make if we're emerging into a global culture?

Here are two websites to help -

Characteristics of culture, thanks to Dennis O'Neil of Palomar College:


What is ethnocentrism?

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Other Subject: How can ethnocentrism contribute to global tensions
Reference No:- TGS01899914

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